
As a web designer, my goal is to consistently create high-quality websites, while continually improving my web design experience. Through my studies, I have gained a solid foundation in web design principles and technologies, and have honed my skills in user experience, visual design, and front-end development. I am passionate about creating websites that are not only visually pleasing but also user-friendly, effective and accessible.

In addition to my technical skills, I am committed to understanding the needs of my clients, and to delivering solutions that meet those needs. My ability to communicate effectively, listen actively, and collaborate closely with clients ensures that every project is a success. I believe that my portfolio demonstrates my dedication to excellence and my ability to deliver high-quality web designs that meet the needs of my clients.

A picture of Mat Groot in a yellow shape
A picture of Mat Groot in a yellow shape


For my first programming assignment, I was tasked with creating a basic adventure game using Javascript. I took this opportunity to develop a game called Dragon Slayer. The game is designed to be a simple experience that utilizes basic Javascript and DOM manipulation to change various elements such as dialogue boxes and background. The simplicity of the coding and the game mechanics makes it accessible to players of all skill levels.

This project was a great opportunity for me to showcase my understanding of Javascript, which is the foundation of web development. It allowed me to demonstrate my ability to create a functional game using only basic programming concepts. The game may be simple in nature but it allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the potential of Javascript and the importance of user experience in game development.


Front End Development

For the frontend development project, I was tasked with recreating a website that I personally used. I chose the website of a clothing retailer called Weekday. The recreation process presented a challenge as the original website utilized several new CSS properties and HTML elements that I had not yet encountered.
Through researching and familiarizing myself with these new design elements, I was able to create a polished and visually appealing design, while also prioritizing accessibility and responsiveness for the website.


A picture of Mat Groot in a yellow shape